"Dosshu Bonhur" is a fictional character created by popular Bangladeshi fictionist Romena Afaz, which was first published from 'Mofiz book house' at 1980s decade. Later those books were published as volume by Salma Book Depot.
More than hundred thriller story were published in Dosshu Bonhur series.
In the early childhood, Monir- son of Chowdhury House was lost in a naval accident. Robber chief "Kalu Khan" found him and later he made him as Dosshu Bonhur.
The slogan of this series is - The symbol of truth and justice is bandit.
You will definitely enjoy reading these books and also learn something after reading this books. So download the books of Dosshu Bonhur Series from below links.
****Please Like & Share it if you want more books of Dasshu Banhoor Series.
More than hundred thriller story were published in Dosshu Bonhur series.
In the early childhood, Monir- son of Chowdhury House was lost in a naval accident. Robber chief "Kalu Khan" found him and later he made him as Dosshu Bonhur.
The slogan of this series is - The symbol of truth and justice is bandit.
You will definitely enjoy reading these books and also learn something after reading this books. So download the books of Dosshu Bonhur Series from below links.
****Please Like & Share it if you want more books of Dasshu Banhoor Series.
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